The Porcelain Prince

Still from the movie Oz The Great and Powerful
The Prince, convinced forever that his love would conquer all,
Rode out towards the turf of the despised and hateful Troll,
But soon found out his heart would be subdued by its terrain.
Before he found his target, it was he who would be slain.
While safe inside his palace, in an atmosphere of love,
Maintaining his devotion to his heart was never tough.
But now, in these conditions, it was more than he could take.
Exposed to airs of loathing, he began to slowly break.
He realized the drawbacks of his porcelain physique:
In careless situations, unprotected love is weak.
For love to last, he realized, as he became unnerved,
It must not fight to conquer, but be cherished and preserved.
His state, he thought, now knowing, had been linked to his estate.
The same, he contemplated, could be true for Trolls and hate.
He glued himself together to proceed towards the threat,
Intent on not to vanquish, but to save the troll instead.
The enemy he found was not the Troll, but hate within,
Which grew as he came nearer; but he knew his love could win.
And yes, the Troll turned friendly by his breakable caress.
Love conquers all, but only when we show it nonetheless.
February 28th, 2017
Image by Broesis on Pixabay